Report From The Kitchen #5 - Plinius The Elder: Take Two Mint And Call Me In The Morning (Mint Bone Tooth Powder)

Pliny The Elder: Take Two Mint And Call Me In The Morning (Mint Bone Tooth Powder)
No, today I am not going to talk about a famous beer. I am going to talk about who that famous beer was named after, Pliny the Elder. Born in 23 AD, Pliny was a naval commander in the early Roman Empire. He was also a prolific author and scholar.
His most famous work was the "Naturalis Historia", a 37-volume opus that is one of the largest single works to survive from that time period. The man was dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. So much so that his dedication led to his untimely death when he sailed too close to a volcano in order to get a better look and died as a result of the toxic fumes.
In addition to being a great story, Pliny the Elder was also a big believer in the power of the mint leaf. He wrote that you could get rid of a headache by rubbing a mint broth to your temples. I've never tried this but I wouldn't be surprised if it worked.
This was in line with the medical views of the day, where the plant was used as a digestive tool. Beyond its medicinal uses, the sweet-smelling herb was used for body scents and funeral rights. The use of mint use did not end with the ancient world.
Modern Uses of Mint
People continue to use mint as a natural remedy today. It is still taken as a digestive aid to soothe the stomach just like it was in Pliny the Elder’s time, but its use has expanded to respiratory relief as well. This is because menthol, a compound in mint, can act as a decongestant.
When put into an essential oil and diffused mint has calming effects, can reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. I could go on and on with its other homeopathic uses but one area I am particularly interested in is its use in oral hygiene.
Mint is a common flavor that is used in oral care products because of its great taste and anti-bacterial properties. This factor is what made it a no-brainer when I decided to make another tooth powder to unleash the power of hydroxyapatite.
Yes, that is a pretty big word, but you have to know about it if you want to talk about how to mineralize your teeth. You only get one set of adult teeth and knowing about proper care for your enamel is critical.
VanMan’s Miracle Tooth Powder: Mint-Bone
Hydroxyapatite is the main mineral component of enamel in teeth. If you want to remineralize your teeth, then you must reintroduce these ions back into your mouth.
One way to possibly do this is by using powdered bone from grass-fed cattle by using a product like VanMan’s Miracle Tooth Powder Mint-Bone. It is loaded with virtually all the minerals and nutrients needed to construct bone tissue, and of course, remineralize teeth.
In addition to all of these benefits, it also tastes great and won’t wreck the biome of your mouth. If you want to join the long line of people stretching back into time who use mint on a daily basis, take a look here: VanMan’s Miracle Tooth Powder - Mint-Bone.
Whenever I am creating a new product I always look at ingredients that have stood the test of time. I don’t need a study to tell me that mint is good for you when people have been writing about its uses for thousands and thousands of years. I can sleep easy at night knowing that my customers and their families are getting the amazing benefits of all natural ingredients.
And I didn’t have to drive the van super close to a volcano to figure it out.
What’s VanMan Cooking Up Next?
Next issue we are going to talk more about Royal Jelly. Until then always remember . . .
The van never stops,
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